Mario Balotelli sets dressing room on fire in his latest revealed antics

Mario Balotelli has scored 5 goals this season
Mario Balotelli may have ignited more than just a firecracker in the dressing room, as he risks facing the wrath of his teammates after his latest prank.

Mario Balotelli continues his penchant for daring pranks, with the 33-year-old recently captured on video setting off a firework in the dressing room, according to reports from Eurofoot on X.

In nine games for the club, Balotelli has showcased his scoring prowess with five goals, notably netting a brace against Alanyaspor in his second debut.

In the video about the mischievous Balotelli, spotted with a small firecracker, playfully lighting it up and tossing it into the middle of the dressing room, leading to a resounding bang.

This incident is reminiscent of Balotelli’s past headlines related to his affinity for pyrotechnics.

In 2011, during the peak of his career, he set his house on fire by letting off fireworks in his bathroom, fortunately escaping unharmed.

Additionally, his former Manchester City teammate Micah Richards once recounted an incident where Balotelli set off fireworks in Richards’s house.

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